My Digital Foot Print-Week #8

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We all know today’s world. If you want to talk to someone you can text, snap, message on Instagram, Musically, etc. If you want to spread the word about what you did on you cool vacation without waiting until you get back, you can post, tweet and snap. It’s all part of our world at this time of life. It’s not bad to have social media. In many good ways it can help you. Like needing to research for a paper at school, or talking to a friend that lives across the world from you. But, social media can be used wrong as well.

For example. Bullying happens all the time on social media. As you know, commenting is usually on all websites. People can bully you online. If you think it is not a big deal, think again. When you post something, it never goes away. If you delete it, it’s still in that cloud of social media. You basically have an online folder. It stores everything you like, post, comment, or search online. Some of you might be thinking that just because you don’t have social media, you don’t have a folder. Think again. People who post about you have created a path to your digital footprint since you were born. This could be your parents posting about their brand new baby, or your friends posting about how amazing of a friend you are. Don’t worry though. As long as you’ve got nothing to hide, your digital foot print should be fine.

Your digital footprint matters because it is a part of how people look at you. If someone sees that you have posted a nasty comment online, they probably would not think of you as a good person. Also, what if your great grandchild does research on you in the future. They are doing a report about you, and they find… horrible things? How would you like that. Be careful what you do on social media. It might just take your life a whole different direction.

I hope you learned something. It took some research to find more about this but it worked out. I also decided to research myself. You should try this sometime. Then you can see what access the world has to you. I also found two really cool websites with videos and information that will help you learn more. Click on the links below. I found myself in these places.

Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, School website for bookmark winners

Just remember, use social media correctly. It can be fun when you use it the right way. 🙂

Website 1

Website 2



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